Nearest ATM in Kowloon

Where’s the nearest ATM in Kowloon?

You have just arrived in Kowloon, but you realise you need an ATM because you are short on cash. There is no reason to worry because this situation happens to many people in Hong Kong. This is one of the main reasons to why there are so many ATMs in Kowloon. Below I am going to detail three of those ATMs within Kowloon, so if you are ever stuck for cash, you can get emergency money quickly from one of these ATMs. The three ATMs I will be discussing will be from the same bank which is the Hang Seng Bank. This is because this bank is very common in Hong Kong, so a lot of people use this bank for the convenience.

Hang Seng Bank ATM – Tong station

The exact location of this bank is,” MTR Kowloon Tong Station, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.” An important thing to note specifically about this ATM is that the ATM is only opened from six in the morning to twelve in the morning of the next day. This means that you can only get your emergency cash during these opening hours. It is great that there is an ATM at Tong Station as some people may realise their tong trip is very expensive and that they didn’t bring enough money to pay for the tong. This is why it is great to have an ATM here as the person can then use the ATM during its opening hours which will allow them to pay for their tong journey.


Hang Seng Bank ATM – Hospital

The address of this specific ATM is, “ G/F, Hospital Authority Building, 147B Argyle Street, Kowloon City, Hong Kong.” A good point to make about this ATM is that it is actually open for twenty-four hours a day. This is great news as it means that if you are in need of cash at any time of the day for whatever reason, you will be successfully able to get cash straight out of that ATM. The second good thing about this ATM is that it is located at a hospital. This is great news as if you are visiting someone and they want something from the hospital shop; you can just go down to the ATM if you are short on cash and you can then buy them whatever they want. To be honest, it is just very handy for an ATM being at a hospital as many visitors of the hospital will usually leave in a taxi. This means that you can then use the ATM, so you will have the right funds to pay the cab driver.


Hang Seng Bank ATM – University

This ATM is located at The Baptist University of Hong Kong. The exact location of this ATM is, “Level 3, Shaw Campus, Baptist University, Renfrew Rd, Lo Fu Ngam, Hong Kong.” An important note to include about this specific ATM is that it is open all day and all night. This is great as if students need to get money out for any particular reason such as paying their rent they can use the ATM twenty-four hours a day. Another benefit of this ATM would be that by the ATM itself being on campus it means that students can have quick access to money, so it means they will always have cash to buy necessities such as food and clothes.

My conclusion to this blog post is that these ATMs from the Hang Seng Bank are located in perfect positions within Kowloon. The reason I say this is because these ATMs are beside very populated buildings where people will need money fast. For example, if a patient at a hospital wants a snack from one of the shops at the hospital and you have no cash you can just simply run to the ATM. This means that you can then buy the patient something like a chocolate bar to help cheer them up at the hospital. Another example would be by the ATM being located beside a tong station it means that anyone who has insufficient funds for that journey can then quickly visit an ATM to ensure they have enough money to cover the tong trip.



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Jimmy Tan:
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